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Royal House Presents

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Dambe is an African Martial Art with thousands of years of rich history and mythical origins. It’s tradition centers around a worriors spirit in Wich one hand is wrapped in a thick cord (spear hand) and the other is used to block (shield hand). Legend holds that voodoo used to be allowed before it was banned from the contests. Our story tells the tale before magic was outlawed.

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Pharoah vs Priest

Pharoah vs Priest is an ancient tale of the 18th dynasty Egyptian Royal Family. It follows the life of Aten and Nefritune’ as they embark on a journey to save Egypt from the Forces of darkness…

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Cicada7 Protocols is an AfroFuturism Space Odyssey like nothing you’ve ever witnessed. If Follows the story of Maxx Reazon on his his journey to reclaim his purpose lost in the past and present so that he may save his future and the future of us all.

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